3 Tips for Preparing for a Marathon

If you decided to run a marathon, you have a long, rewarding road ahead of you. Whether you will run for a charity, with a friend, or simply want to improve your health, it’s important to work hard and take care of yourself in the months leading up to the event. As you train, keep these tips for preparing for a marathon in mind.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

As with any kind of workout, it’s important to balance your routine with a healthy diet. Running burns an extraordinary amount of energy, so make sure to eat enough carbohydrates and protein to fuel your body. Pay attention to the vitamins and minerals you consume, as well; healthy iron levels play a vital to both performance and recovery. You can also keep your energy levels up during a run with sports drinks or energy gels and chews. As always, remember to stay hydrated in and out of your workouts.

Don’t Overexert Yourself

One of the most important tips for preparing for a marathon is to take good care of yourself. While it’s important to train hard, you also need to stay healthy. If you overexert yourself during training, there’s a good chance you’ll end up sick or injured by the time the actual marathon comes along. Find the balance between work and recovery, and always give your body time to heal after a workout—especially in the days before the big race.

Use the Right Gear

To perform your best, you want to be as comfortable as possible on race day. This means you need all the right gear and equipment. Comfortable and durable shoes are necessary. Staying hydrated is too, so consider using a hydration pack or belt to carry a water bottle. Many runners also wear compression socks or shorts to help provide support and comfort during workouts. No matter what gear you’ll use, make sure you wear it throughout training. You should always practice exactly like you’ll perform, so you don’t experience any surprises the day of the race.