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Factors That Affect Weight Loss

Diet and exercise are critical to maintaining a healthy weight. However, many people eat mindfully and exercise daily, yet they still struggle to achieve their weight loss goal. What other components of an individual’s habits […]

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Best Ways to Manage Anxiety or Stress

A lot of anxiety and stress can come from work, school, and other areas of life. Stress and anxiety can cause detrimental health effects if you let it take over. If you need some assistance, […]

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3 Tips for Preparing for a Marathon

If you decided to run a marathon, you have a long, rewarding road ahead of you. Whether you will run for a charity, with a friend, or simply want to improve your health, it’s important […]

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5 Tips for Successful Weight Loss in the New Year

Lots of people will attempt to diet and exercise for their New Year’s resolution, but many will not stick with it. Changing your lifestyle is a tough task, and it requires self-accountability and guidance. We […]