How To Get the Most Out of a Solo Workout

Staying fit has never been harder since gyms are either closed or have restrictions in place. This might have led to you building a gym in your home; however, you might have also lost a workout partner or a personal trainer in the process. Why stop when you have come so far? You can easily work out on your own if you are smart about it. Learn how to get the most out of a solo workout ahead.

Workout on Machines

The biggest concern whenever you are working out is safety. You can still go hard during your workout without running the risk of suffering from an injury. The key to doing so is to fill your workout space with the right equipment that makes it safe enough to use a heavier weight and reach your true potential.

Follow A Plan

It’s always good to have some type of plan with a workout — even if it’s a minimal plan. It’s easer to wing it with minimal planning if you have some expertise about exercise, physiology and anatomy You might be used to following what your trainer or partner says. When you are on your own, you don’t have this luxury, but you can easily create a plan with the various workout routines that are available on app stores or online.

Time Your Rest

Working out with someone else allows you to get an adequate amount of rest since you typically switch off equipment use. Working out on your own can start to hurt your progress if you start to spend too much time resting in-between an exercise. When you reach a certain level of fitness, one of the best things you can do is either incorporate supersets or make sure you aren’t resting for longer than a minute at a time. This is where putting a clock in your home gym comes in handy. However, you don’t have to beat the clock every day. When you’re working on strength with low rep sets, you might rest two or three minutes. Also, some days should involve some easy sets that focus on form and understanding the processes involve with a variety of range motion pattern. Go slow, and really learn what muscles are contracting during different parts of motion. Listen to your joints. Are they clicking? Know the advanced warning signs. Do you have any pain in a joint? Know the difference between “No pain, no gain” (good exertion-related pain) and “No pain, no brain” (ignoring pain that is warning you something is wrong).

Listen to Something

Working out with someone can be a great time to socialize, but it can also give you the motivation you need to work hard. The easiest solution is to make yourself a playlist that can give you the push you might need when your partner isn’t there.

Use A Mirror

The final tip on how to get the most out of a solo workout is to take advantage of a mirror. Using a mirror isn’t just for checking yourself out. A mirror also allows you to watch your form as you exercise and gives you the chance to correct it by yourself. While working out solo at home, you have the freedom to workout shirtless and see what muscles are working, and where the fat is rolling if there is some excess.

When you workout in front of a mirror, check your posture with a side view. Are you slouching? Is your head too far forward? Are your shoulders rounded and slouching with too much curve forward in your upper back? Does your low back sway with excess curvature? Keeping an eye on posture when exercising can help prevent injuries.