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Air Force ROTC

Air Force ROTC Fitness Standards

The PFT is taken every fall and spring term while a cadet is enrolled in Air Force ROTC. Cadets in the GMC not on scholarship must attempt the test but do not have to pass. Scholarship cadets and cadets in the POC, however, must pass the test each fall and spring term …


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Navy Seals

NAVY SEAL Training

Naval Special Warfare Center – Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) Training SEAL training is extremely demanding, both mentally and physically, and produces the world’s best maritime warriors. Our focus during this training is based on three […]

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Navy Seals

Physical Screening Test (PST) Description

Enlisted Physical Screening Test (PST) Description REF: (a) MILPERSMAN 1220-150 I. Overview: a. The physical screening test is designed to assess the applicant’s physical ability to undergo initial training. The test will be administered exactly […]