The Benefits of Wearable Fitness Technology

Over the past couple years, fitness and technology have formed a partnership of sorts. You’re likely to see joggers tracking their movements with some type of smart watch nowadays. The popularity of these gadgets is due to their numerous health benefits. If you don’t know much about the technology, knowing some of these benefits might be helpful.

Data Tracking Capabilities

Many fitness devices connect to apps to track data on your exercise habits. These apps allow you to log steps and view the progression of your fitness goals. Having all this data in one place helps you track various patterns in your routines and to see how they’re affecting your health. When you have a handle on your exercise patterns, you can also begin analyzing how your fitness routine affects your mood.


A recent survey revealed that 13% of American adults who made New Year’s resolutions vowed to exercise more. Unfortunately, with all of life’s other demands, it’s easy to leave exercise behind. Having a visual reference of your goals and the progress you’ve made toward meeting them can add an extra sense of accountability. The ability to see your results displayed on a screen can also motivate you.

Ability to Get Fit in Unlikely Places

You can use your wearable devices to help you stay active in the workplace—even if you have an office job. If you have a watch, set reminders throughout the day to get up and take five-minute walks. Such a short walk may seem ineffective, but seeing those steps accumulate will be the encouragement you need. You can also allow coworkers to track your data so that you can all hold each other accountable.

Communication with Healthcare Providers

Believe it or not, in certain instances fitness trackers can help identify health issues. One woman became concerned when her Fitbit continuously showed her that she had a high heart rate. Showing this data to doctors eventually allowed them to diagnose her with a heart disorder.

As stated above, being aware of your body’s patterns is integral to ensuring your good health. These new advancements in technology play a big role in keeping our bodies and minds in the best shape possible.